Items from an Image Integrator library can be added to the current document without the user’s creating a graphic box to receive them. One way to add a graphic to a document is to select the desired graphic on the Image Integrator palette, then choose Place from the palette’s Item menu. Image Integrator creates a graphic box at the X=72 pt Y=72 pt coordinate on the current document and imports the selected graphic into the box. If more than one graphic is selected when the Place command is chosen, Image integrator places the first graphic in a box on the document then cascades graphic boxes from that point down and to the right to accommodate the other chosen pictures. To place a graphic on the document at a point other than the default X=72 pt Y=72 pt coordinate, click on the desired graphic in the Image Integrator palette and drag over onto the document. The place where the mouse is released becomes the upper left corner of the graphic box which is created to contain the graphic. Image Integrator creates the new graphic box and imports the picture into the new box.